September 23, 2013

Letting Go of Grumpy

So it's been brought to my attention that I have been growing grumpy. Instead of blooming joy, Satan saw a loophole worn thin by work, work, work and sewed seeds of silent straight faces. Seeds that grew big and mean.
Mom told me, finally, right out front. Boy, I'm glad she did. Told me, whisper-like, I was getting grumpy - so go outside. 
Go outside, she said, and let it go. Let pumpkin pies and school work high, let them go. God is fully capable of catching them, you see, when all along he has been begging me to let go of the life I surrendered long ago to his capable hands. 

Stop grabbing it back, He whispers. 
Time and time again. 
So I'm letting go, of grumpy today, and opening my hands to free-falling joy raining from His throne. 

'Cause when hands are clenched, I've learned, joy can't pour in. It's only when we open, that sparkling joy is ours. 

I'm heading outside, now, to let go some more, inviting you to do the same. 

Dear, don't hold on to that grumpy life. Just go outside and let it go. Open up your tight clenched hands and receive joy overflowing. 

And now for some random pictures I took while I was outside, to maybe assist you in cracking open that gorgeous smile of yours!

How's life going for you guys? Any grumpy-type days that got turned around like mine did today?

P.S. I'm getting braces for the second time tomorrow - surprise! Just on my top teeth, though, and only for about 6 months to fix a slight problem. Just found out today, actually. :P 


  1. Summer...................she loved trying to play volleyball :) I like how Jackie and "The Red Truck" are in the picture of Summer's shoes and flowers. =D =D

  2. And Summer LOVES Jackie =D

  3. I love this, Ariel! :) ~Bethy<3

    1. Aww, thanks! Love ya, and remember: operation Skittles!

  4. Hey Ariel! Here is the link to my blog, that i am to get started soon..... Praying for ya! Love you! :') Mallary

  5. Ok, forgot the link...hehehe here ya go:

    1. I love it! Keep up the good work!

  6. This Monday when Summer came over we made 10 different craft things =D I also taught her how to play UNO

    1. Amazing child. Ten different things in one night?!?!


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