April 9, 2016

Turning the Page

Hey friends! Life has been pretty awesome the past few months, and in my case that means a fair amount has changed since I started this blog. I've been learning a ton about farming and sustainable agriculture lately, and have found that God's really given me a passion for growing and raising healthy food. So I started a new blog to document my farming journey and to share the neat things I've been learning (you can expect recipes, tutorials, and life lessons over there) and I will be posting more regularly than I have been on here - my goal is twice a week. I'd love it if you checked it out and if you happen to want to follow it or send it on to someone who's interested in that kind of thing? Well. I'd be tickled pink. (Side note: why tickled pink? If I get tickled I'm pretty sure I turn a nice shade of red, not pink. :P) 

With that, I'm signing off this blog and I wish you a lovely rest of your day, week, month, and year! Keep living for the Lord and for goodness sake don't ever stop taking time to grin at the sunshine or hug a little one. Life's a journey. Make sure you truly live it. 

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