March 22, 2015

The Broken Beautiful

Don't give up on the ugly parts of your life: the things that make you cry at night or make you go numb on the inside. The broken bits of our lives may seem jagged and useless, but know that God is a stained-glass maker. He crafts masterpieces out of our shattered messes. And He is the sunshine streaming through the glass, bringing to life what once was dead and dark. He's got your pain, your life, your family, your future... it's all in His hands, being painstakingly fit together - the broken beautiful.
I am a mess. But my God crafts masterpieces from messes. Therefore I have hope. 

March 10, 2015

Shh! A Secret Learning Tool Revealed

I've been blessed to write for the CollgePlus blog once again! The post is about the one thing that made my service-learning course truly come alive. Even if you're not in school, this tool is versatile and can be used to improve a myriad of experiences. Any guesses? Hop on over here to find out what it is!

March 3, 2015

A Thank You Note

You're too good to me, Lord. Thank you. 
For plaid - blue and pink.
Garden plans
Pens like the rainbow
Rag rug braids
Polka dots
And a manger scene. In March.
For this little nuisance 
And her teeth....
Thanks, God. You're too good to me.