February 12, 2014

Sugar on Snow!

    Have you read Little House on the Prairie? I did, and I remember reading about the maple syrup harvest and how Laura loved the sweet maple candies they made. Sugar on Snow. What a lovely name. :) Is it possible that something delicious can come from inside a tree??? The answer, of course, is yes. And just in case you want to try it for yourself, here is the recipe! 

Sugar on Snow*

1 cup maple syrup (not the fake stuff)
1/2 stick butter 
1 tub packed snow
Candy thermometer

Real maple syrup!!!
1. Heat syrup and butter in a pot over medium heat, watching carefully. Turn the heat down if it threatens to boil over. Heat until candy thermometer reaches 234 degrees Fahrenheit.
The first few minutes...
Almost done!
2. Cool slightly and test for done-ness by spooning a drizzle over the snow. 
If candy sits on top of snow and clings to fork like taffy, it's ready. If not, heat it back up again for a few more minutes.

3. Pour or drizzle with spoon over packed snow. 

Wait a few seconds for the candy to harden, then enjoy!

You should be able to lift off a whole bunch of squiggles in one golden sheet like this. :)

*Based on recipe from the Maple Syrup Cookbook 


  1. That stuff was SOOOOO yummy =D ! !

    1. Yup! It even had the hard-to-impress teenage brothers asking for more! ;)


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